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Photo by The Creative Exchange on Unsplash

Have you ever had one of those days where everything seemed to be going wrong? You try to compose yourself and turn the day around but you still feel defeated. What if I told you there are a few things that we can all do to proactively improve our mood and help to navigate a crap filled day? Let’s get into it.


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Ladies ladies! Get yourself measured then invest in a good bra (no it won’t be cheap). Sometimes the shape of a proper form fitting bra will change the way your clothes fit. Do you experience over boobage, under boobage or not enough boobage? Well I have experienced the first two and it is one of the biggest distraction to me throughout the work day. Imagine standing up to make an important presentation at work knowing that you have bouncing boobage and someone is thinking wow, those boobs are bouncing! now imagine another scenario where your breast fall under your cups because the cup is too big or the band is too wide, you would just be flip flopping all day. These issues are distracting not only to you but also to the person looking on. A good fitting bra embraces and supports your body like armor, It hugs and stays right where you need it, set it and forget it.


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Unless you have a hot steamy date with plans for after date shenanigans you should be wearing breathable cotton undies on the regular. You should always restock on panties and discard old dingy hole riddled faves and don’t just pick any random cotton panties, select your favorite colors and patterns. Your underwear selection should make you comfortable as well as bring a soft smile to your face every morning as you check yourself out, you know you got it!

Lotion or and Body mist

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As women there are multiple ways that we can indulge in femininity and having a pleasant-smelling lotion or body mist is one of these fun ways, now we are not talking about having people smell you from a million miles away but just enough to create a warm positive aura of smell around you. This smell is not necessarily for others, it’s primarily for you to touch base with yourself throughout the day, a whiff of your soft floral or soft fresh scent should bring you back down to earth when things get hectic.

Body wash

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Listen, we don’t have to be rich to be happy, we just need comfort to be happy. When we take our morning shower we have the opportunity to choose how we begin our day. Do you want to begin your day with a boring shower? I hope you said no. When shopping take a whiff of your shower gel then ask yourself do I want to smell like this every morning for the next 30 days? If yes throw it in the bag if you’re not sure put it back on the shelf immediately. Give yourself a morning boost by lathering up with a shower gel that Is the best for your skin type and opens your senses.

Toothpaste matters

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As a child I always had Colgate toothpaste, great for teeth, gums and fresh breath. As an adolescent, I continued that trend, I used Colgate everyday until I was out having ice cream with some friends then bang! The worst cramp that I had ever felt, then began my sensitive teeth journey. I could no longer use the basic toothpaste, I needed toothpaste for sensitive teeth. shortly after this I changed my toothbrush from hard to soft as harder bristles wears down your enamel faster. Different people have different oral issues so make sure you have the right toothpaste and toothbrush that suits you, take that deep breath and feel the chill.


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Whether you are cool as a cucumber or a sweaty monkey you should be wearing antiperspirant. Select one that works the best with your body. Whether you fancy 24- hour protection or more on the natural side choose the one that will keep extra sweat and odors at bay. I have specifically mentioned antiperspirant however deodorant also applies. The difference between antiperspirant and deodorant is that deodorant protects against odor while antiperspirant protects against odor and sweat with the use of aluminum. Choose what’s best for you.

Embellish yourself with your favorite scent, slap on some lip balm and you are already in the game with the basics, you may build out from here with your makeup and personal style. Just remember that you are well supported fresh and confident and each time that you encounter a challenge during the day take a deep breath and remember- you smell great you feel great and you are prepped and ready to power up now go off!

Photo by elia fernandes on Unsplash